Booking Enquiries


For booking enquiries:


01953 888 628

If you are interested in staging an event or would like to book a hall for your wedding or party, please read the terms and conditions and contact us by using the phone number, enquiries email address above, or the online form. 
Alternatively, you can download a printable form to use if you prefer. This also contains our terms and conditions. 
We will get back to you as soon as possible. 
Booking Enquiry Form
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Enter if you represent an organisation or leave blank if it is a family occassion.
How would you prefer to be contacted?
Which Hall would you like?
Please describe your event, e.g. wedding reception, disco party, private party, or other
Additional Facilities
Tick those that you need
Enter if you wish to have a private bar
Do your agree to our Hire Terms and Conditions